• in Big Brother Traffic Light

    Big Brother Traffic Light

    Network Operations Centers and Help Desks all over monitor their systems and networks with an open source product called Big Brother – the freely available version is now Hobbit. Here’s how to add a traffic light to indicate network status.

  • in picSimon - Handheld Microcontroller Game

    picSimon - Handheld Microcontroller Game

    In my recent twiddlings with Microcontrollers a project has emerged. picSimon! A re-implementation of the classic toy using a single chip, a few discrete components, a few switches, and 4 LEDs. So far it is quite a hit at home and the office. Shawn (my 6 year-old son) has gotten up to about 6 moves, I have gotten 18 (once) and at the office 12-15 seems to be the range.

  • in Kids MAME 1

    Kids MAME 1

    This project was a nice little Christmas present for my kids, and a prototype for Me. Using MAME, the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator, I built a “universal” arcade machine. The style of the case is a 3/4 scale version of Defender, one of my favorite arcade games.

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    Conways Game of Life

    An implementation of John Conway’s cellular automota know as Life. The application was originally done as an example and project for a Java Programming class I taught (quite a while ago now). I never assigned this one for homework or anything, but it was interesting and a good use of many of Java’s features. Of course it is based on John Conway’s Life game from Scientific American.

  • in W1REX QRP Transmitter

    W1REX QRP Transmitter

    This is a 40/80M Amateur Band CW (continuous wave) transmitter built from parts and board provided by Rex Harper (W1REX). It was a preparation for a QRPme club project.

  • in Guidelines for Programming Style (Java version)

    Guidelines for Programming Style (Java version)

    Many programs are modified during their useful life, either to correct errors or to extend their capabilities. It has been estimated that as much as 80% of the cost of software development is incurred by such modifications during the so-called “maintenance period” of the software life cycle. In most cases, the programmers making the modifications are not the authors of the program, and their task is eased if the code has been written to be understood. We here discuss a few techniques which help to make the source code of a program more intelligible. Part of your grade on the programming assignments for this course will be determined by how thoughtfully you incorporate these ideas in your solutions to the problems.

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    Mancala - The African Stone Game

    A Java Applet that plays the ancient African game of Mancala. It was done as a project and example for COS246 Java Programming (now renumbered as COS244) class (which it was assigned for their final exam).