I’ve been poking at an updated version (1.2.0) of The United States iPad app. The last release was in 2014 and Apple sent me a message that it was going to be removed from the App Store unless I updated it. I don’t really make any money off the $0.99 price tag. It used to be enough to pay for the developer account but has dropped off over the years. Could be I’m not a great app/software marketer too.

The United States

From the current development code, I’ve really only patched up problems with the SVGKit that I use to display the map. For the moment I also removed Apple GameKit and achievements as the API has completely changed and I’m not sure the time investment in updating would be worth it.

If you’re interested in being a beta tester, drop me an email. I’ve got about a month to get things cleaned up and ready for release.